According to the Channel 3 (Springfield, MA) web site: "A nesting box was permanently attached to the side of the building to safeguard the eggs and falcons.
The 21st floor is occupied by Bank of America, but they were willing to set aside one office entirely for the falcons so they are not disturbed."
Can't you just picture it? A BOA supervisor speaking to an employee he's not to fond of: "O.k., Harris, we're having a bit of a space crunch so we're giving you a roommate. Actually, it's more than one. We're moving you to the office with the peregrine falcons. You don't faint at the sight of blood do you? These raptors eat a lot and they do a heck of a good job keeping the in-house mice down. The techies coming in to adjust the camera shouldn't be much of a bother. Oh yeah, they will be bringing back the chick they had to take out for medical assistance tomorrow. The parents might be a tad upset, so we've issued you this leather face mask and gloves."
You can see the Falcon Cam at the link below:
Needless to say, you need to look when it's daylight (Eastern time). Why did I say it then (if it's needless)? Because I'm a dufus who tried to see it at night. The car lights were interesting ...
A couple of days ago, our very nice copier technician came and eliminated the unwanted pink stripes from our copies. In the process, he created a plastic bag o' crap, a.k.a. extra toner in a reservoir. He carefully put the unrecyclable toner bag into a cardboard box from the new part he had installed. Then he put it in the trash outside of the office. A couple of hours later, a check out desk person brought said box back into the office saying, "A patron thinks you might need this." Well, duh. The patron (who is 'known to us' for always giving "helpful" suggestions) had taken it out of the trash.
We do recycle the toner when one of the colors runs out. But this was waste. What puzzles me is why the staff person might think we need something from the trash.
Today, that same patron came into the Office when I was alone, subbing for the Receptionist. I could hear my phone ringing. She was carrying a cardboard turkey. It soon became obvious that she wanted "the Library" to call those people who put up the display of children's artwork in the atrium. She wanted us to tell them that they should put the real age of the artist on the works because "it's and insult to them -- the sign says ages 4 to 8." I wondered how much of the exhibit she had dismantled after I saw the turkey.
"I don't think they would appreciate your taking apart their exhibit," I observed calmly. Then she turned ugly, hissing, "I only brought it in to show you." At that point, I was yessing her to death as I herded her out of the door. I was in no mood for diatribes. We have already heard her wax for 20 minutes on the bathroom cleaners we should use ...
Another time suck that I enjoy is Pinterest. I don't actually pin things, but I do enjoy reading some of the funny ones. My latest fave: If it looks like I'm staring off into space when you're talking to me, it's because I'm staring off into space when you are talking to me.
At a meeting the other day, I heard someone say, 'But they are in the weeds, not seeing the overarching picture.' I just stared at the woman who was deriding the only people on that project who were producing. People such as herself who may (or may not) have been able to perceive "the big picture" were not getting the work done -- it was those 'in the weeds.' To me, this phrase is akin to 'down in the trenches' and I'm pretty proud to be in that category. We are the ones pushing the work product out the door. We actually get things done as opposed to talking about what needs to be done. O.k., I think I'm done with that rant.
I went to Home Depot after work and so did everybody else. The garden shop was a zoo. But I did manage to get a raised bed kit, landscaping cloth and 12 bags of garden soil (one cu. ft. each). The cashier had made a mistake and charged me for 18 bags. Meanwhile, Jose and Manuel were loading the stuff into my car and when Manuel said, "She's gonna blow her tires with the weight," I decided to take only the 12 I had wanted and get a credit for the cashier's goof.
Tomorrow, "early," Miguel is coming to dig up the weeds. He's bringing a pick axe because he knows it's clay soil. I tried to rent a small rototiller (such as a mantis) and the only one I could find was a 200 pound rental. I figured that would be a bit much for Miguel to heft. Anyway, knowing how hard it was to dig out a tiny square, I'm thinking maybe the landscape cloth will come in handy. He might not have to dig so much. I'll let you know if I actually come up with something plantable.
I'm going to hold off until Monday to plant anything. Tonight we had about 2 to 3 inches of rain. The downpour caused a lot of flooding, especially under bridges in Springfield and Chicopee. It's supposed to rain again tomorrow. It also has been in the 50's but is supposed to go to 80 on Monday. I'll wait to plant. I can be patient.
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