Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Snow Farm in Williamsburg 11-17-13

Snow Farm is an artisans' retreat. They were having a seconds sale. I wanted to buy everything. In these shots, my back is to two other studios.

Below is the working glass blowing and fabricating studio -- one that was behind me when I took the pictures above.

Now I'm just going to give you a tour!

 Sea urchin inspired?

 Telephone table anyone?  Loved it.

 Loved the horses! All of them!

 Might have to get me a noodle bowl!

 See the saw? They glued scrabble letters on after painting.  Lazy susans on the lower right.

I want everything above -- love the blues!
 Above were my favorite (after the blue wine) glasses.  They were on the poster that attracted me.

Drunk on color!

 Celery colored ceramics.

 This blue piece makes me think of catching a wave.

1 comment:

  1. Love the glass ware and the telephone table and ceramics absolutely beautiful


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