Sunday, November 19, 2017

Woo Hoo! The Gang's All Here!

Of course, you know that I have to lead off with my first PS sunrise. Since you also know it's the only time in my life that I'm up for a sunrise!

First shot

The Sun Has Risen


If any of you ever wondered where I got my sense of humor, this little story might be illustrative. I mentioned to Mom that I would be bringing my favorite mug because hers are too small for me. (Yes, I know: that is the epitome of laziness because I hate getting up and refilling my coffee in the a.m.)

A day later, she called me up and said, 'You don't have to bring a mug. I bought you one and I know you'll like it.' Dutifully, I did not pack a mug. (I did, however, pack almost every stitch of clothing I own and Emily may be broken having toted my luggage ...)

See how small that is? She bought me a 20 ounce mug, which is a bit over the top.  Oh, you say you want to see what it says on the new mug? Well, here you go:

Thanks, Mom!


Deb and Paul are at a neighbor's condo. I asked Mom why they had given her a light saber.

Apparently, this is a wine opener. No struggling with a corkscrew for us! Two Buck Chuck, here we come! 

Here is the famous (or maybe infamous) hummingbird feeder. There has always been one hummingbird that makes its rounds here, including looking in at you as you eat breakfast at the dining room table. Apparently, even though four birds could feed at once at the new feeder, this one little guy chases everyone else away. Let the games begin! I wish I could promise a picture of him, but the little suckers are fast! I might only get pictures of air. I've got time though.

Time to get dressed -- 9 a.m. Odd, it feels like Noon. I have a feeling that I'm going to join the Naps R Us club. 

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