Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Let it Snow!

 Yeah, yeah, I know: easy for me to say. I don't like dealing with the cold and snow (and especially ice), which is why I spend the winter in Palm Springs. Well, and also to be with Mom ... anyway, we like it when there is snow on the mountains as it is today. It's not only beautiful but it also means that there will be some water in the spring. I was up believe it or not at 6:30 a.m. (musta heard the crack of dawn) and took these pictures. 

The grass was crunchy with frost and, outside of the patio, it was so thick with frost that at first glance, I thought it was snow on the ground.

I wonder if Eric and Paul's tangerines on the left are shivering in the 37 F.


I think I've mentioned this before -- I pile up photos, so I really don't remember what day was what. But it doesn't matter. I'm sure you're used to my rambling narrative.

A couple of days ago, I picked some fruit.

We actually walked around to another street for the tangelos. They were past their prime but they smell heavenly! 


Also, a couple of nights ago, I took the plunge and made stuffed artichoke bottoms. Carole had given us frozen artichoke bottoms and I googled a recipe. First you boil them until fork tender and then I improvised on the stuffing. I used bacon, chopped onion, diced garlic (from a jar), chopped fresh spinach, and cheese. After stuffing, I put them in the oven to melt the cheese. They were filled to overflowing before the oven. So now I know to saute them more and fill to more than overflowing. They did taste great, however.


We have played bocce a couple of times. I didn't take any pictures. Maybe next time. 

Had a glass of wine outside on the grass with Eric and Leeanne. Eric asked to borrow some red wine that Mom had and we had to open the bottle to be sure it would be good for his stew. It was so good that we had to make sure there was enough left for his stew. 


You knew that I had a plan for the lemons, didn't you?

Yup, those are lemon cheesecake bars. I was disappointed that the crust didn't want to come out of the pan. Next time I'll just form the crust in the silicone muffin cups for individual treats. The taste, by the way is divine. I increased the fresh lemon juice a lot -- I like lemony desserts!

Today the ban on outdoor dining has been lifted but nobody seems to know what restaurants will be open. It would be a treat.

We enjoyed "Unforgotten" on Amazon Prime. We are trying to keep up with Jeopardy, but I still feel as if my brain has turned to mush. Maybe I should start practicing Spanish. I can't understand most of the people here because they speak so fast. I can't listen as fast as they talk. I think it's the Americanization of Mexicans. Unless they were speaking slowly on purpose when I visited Mexico.

Have a fabulous day and be well. Cheers! 

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Welcome to My Happy Place


Yes, that's a sunrise (above). Now that I'm on California time, I'm not seeing too many of those but I thought you might like to see it again.

On January 3rd, I went for a walk. Yeah, yeah, I konw: big deal. It was relaxing snapping pictures of the local flora.

Whenever I take this particular route around the block, I see a posted sign, "Pets seen littering will be fined $50." This gave me a mental image of a fuzzy white dog taking his wallet out of his westcott. I didn't even know dogs could read. Then a second image intruded of a few chihuahuas smoking cigarettes and one opening a pack of gum, discarding the wrapper on the grass.

[Yes, I had to look up how to spell chihuahua. !Callate, Hombre!]


The roses below are Glen's. We wish him well in his recuperation.

I continue to be amazed and delighted that they use bougainvillea here for hedges (and splashes of color between greenery). This one seems to have had a visit from a more purple cousin. [I have to look up the spelling of bougainvillea every time. I wonder when I will remember it?]


Views walking along Palm Canyon Drive. The hazy mountain is from the winds blowing desert sands.

These little flowers cheer me up immensely. I have no idea what they are called.

And now we move on to the greenery portion of the program. 😁


I began work on a baby quilt. There are at least five different fabrics in the yellow blocks. It's hard to see, so the detail is below.

The quilt is called Hey Diddle Diddle.


We saw a roadrunner the other day. He was just walking around. I don't know why, he didn't seem to be pecking at anything.

"Speaking of food habits, the roadrunner will eat anything from insects to small mammals, as well as fruits, seeds, and prickly pear. The bird is particularly fond of lizards and snakes, including small rattlesnakes, and its method of killing them could be considered another unusual characteristic of the bird."  from Texas.gov/publications


Bocce balls have been ordered! I put the order in on December 30th, but no sign of them yet. It said they are "soft" so I cannot imagine what the throw will be like. We shall see! No pickle ball as of yet. Someone (not me) thinks it's too cold to play but we're supposed to get to 79 F. by the end of the week. Of course, then it may be too hot for me ... 😈


I made blueberry muffins this morning. Mom says they get better every time I make them so I should make them a lot! 👍

Chili con carne is in our near future.  Hmmm, can you tell it's lunch time? Time for me to go chomp something.

Things are looking up and I hope you all have a wonderful time doing whatever you are doing. Life is good!

Cheers, Tina