Wednesday, November 10, 2021

On the Road Quickie

 Leaving Amherst 7:40 a.m., just over the line into Hadley.


It was a bit nippy as evidenced by the frost on the grass.

Before my trip, I bought new slippers. On Sunday, I was sitting at Jane and David's kitchen table and Ajax (the chocolate lab) brought one slipper and plunked it on the table next to me. He was throwing down the gauntlet wanting to play. He had retrieved it from "my" room upstairs. The other one was still there. Later on, David found one pom pom. The other is still missing. Jane said Ajax was trying very hard to train me to do his will but I kept resisting.

Color in Silver Spring, MD

The trip from Amherst was 383 miles on Saturday. On Sunday, Jane and I went to the Baltimore Museum of Art. Below is The Thinker (Rodin) cast in 1904. The original was 1880.

On Monday, I drove to Morristown, Tennessee. Rube that I am, I was impressed with the floral arrangement in the public rest room at an Ingles supermarket. They had a sign, 'Sometimes you need sweets!' right next to many peach baskets of chocolates and many other by the pound candies. That was 437 miles.

Then it was on to Memphis, Tennessee. Tenn. is a really long state! I put in 437 miles on Tuesday and as I unpacked my bags from the car, I saw this sunset.

And now we are up to tonight, Wednesday. After driving 466 miles, I am spending the night in Oklahoma City, OK. The next city tomorrow is Amarillo, Texas. Below is the La Quinta bedspread. It's very artistic. But when I first got into the room and the lights were not on, I thought it was a crime scene because the bottom right side is mostly reds , lol.

It's bed time for me. Night night.

1 comment:

  1. Love this post!!! Great pics! The bedspread does look like a murder took place. ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†


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