The Amherst Block Party was fun!
Sort of horizontal on fabric
Janet Ryan, Adult Services Librarian
Our Seniors from the Senior Center Were a Big Hit
Limber Lady
Chamber of Commerce
Budding Ballerinas
Simple Gifts Farm was also selling grilled heirloom tomato sandwiches.
Their 3 sided reusable mugs were a big hit.
Neighbor Farah promoting local schools
UMass Mascot Minuteman
UMass Cheer Leaders
On a Hoop in the Air
Another TALL Person
The DA gave out popcorn and handshakes.
Bonnie registering voters for the League of Women Voters.
Town Hall at Dusk
This is how we know it's fall -- the pumpkins appear.
On Thursday (today is Friday), we went to lunch at Judy's and had a honkin' good time laughing and eating. It was Sue's birthday last week and tomorrow is Lisa's birthday. Here we are:
(L) Sharon, Library Director; Tina; Sue, Munson Mem. Library Branch Librarian; Lisa, Jones Library Receptionist
I decided I have to make something for the Sleighbell Fair.
It's a tea light cosy. (Or lacy candle holder) I bought the doily and shaped it. :) I bought all white doilies and someone at the Crafty Ladies group said, "Off white would be nice." Mom came up with the perfect idea: soak them in tea. I used two Red Rose tea bags and !voila! I now have four off white doilies. Yay! (Thanks, Mom.)
Cheers! I'm off to more adventures.
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