Yup, he was successful. It appears that there is one less bunny in the neighborhood. These are jack rabbits which have longer, more stickiuppi ears than Amherst bunnies. They seem to be leaner too -- maybe from running away from coyotes.
If you noticed the big brown patch on the grass, it's because they are scalping the grass right now. Yep, they take off the whole top layer (scalping) and then they re-plant the winter grass.
The city of Palm Springs is spraying for mosquitoes every morning until 8 a.m. all week. I wish they would spray for crickets. We have so many coming into the house that I'm looking up recipes for cooked crickets.
And, apparently, yesterday began the "We Are Going to Trim EVERYTHING with Chain Saws" Week for the private landscaping companies. The noise begins at 8 a.m. and continues forever. Or at least for a long time.
You know, I try to be open to new concepts and 'think young.' But I have to confess that I went back and changed "AM" to "a.m.". It just didn't look right. Just as I date myself by putting two spaces after a period (before a new sentence), I also persist in spelling "theatre." Some things are just comfortable.
More in the adventures of pickle ball. After nearly dying in the heat of full sun, LeeAnne and I got smart and went out at 5 p.m. last night and it was GREAT playing in shade! We're getting better although we still have lots of graceful, but misses by a mile, episodes. It's fun and we sure are moving! I have to let a lot of the balls go by because even though it's smaller than a tennis court, I'm not up to racing to the opposite side. I consider it as a way for LeeAnne to improve her aim by hitting it to me. We get really excited when we get a volley going. Hey! It keeps us off the street!
Mom looked at me as if I were crazy when I asked if I could use her walker. It has great storage under the seat for the paddles, balls, water bottles, and key to the courts. (I also figured if I collapsed, LeeAnne could push me home, but don't tell LeeAnne I said that!)
Speaking of Mom, she is doing really well, thank you very much. No more fluid in her lungs, no more partially collapsed lung, no more shortness of breath, and yesterday her oxygen level was great! (We have a little gizmo that you put on your finger and it measures your oxygen level.)
I'm getting weary of political ads. Here, they seem to be employing the Trump School of Name Calling. There are two different ads calling opponents crooks and one woman called someone else a snake. None of these candidates are running ads for what they stand for, what their ideas are -- they just slam the opponent for being a crook. I don't know why the one who says the other guy stole $300,000 of public money isn't sued for slander. Is there proof? If so, why isn't the guy in jail? So many questions, so few answers.
I am being hounded by an 800 number on my phone. It's a recording telling me that I have a problem with my Apple products. I don't have any Apple products and even though I have blocked this number I still have at least one call per day from them. Originally, I had six (or more) calls. I just don't know why they can still get through.
Meanwhile, Mom's computer is infected with something -- she's getting a million popup ads. I downloaded AdAware and that hasn't helped a bit. Some of the most persistent popups are from Google and says to go to 'myinboxmanager' or some such thing, but I'm afraid it will make matters worse.
Gas prices here are hovering around $3.79/gallon vs. an average of $2.80/gallon in Massachusetts. Guess it's a good thing we're not going on any long road trips.
No luck in the volunteering at the art museum -- their docent program won't be taking applicants until 2020! And they want me to become a member to volunteer (in the gift shop or ? sweeping up?).
So the search continues.
At some point, my search for a volunteering position led some search engine to think I was looking for work and they keep dangling a TSO position in front of me. (Transportation Security Officer) The requirements are high school, citizenship, background check, not in past due debt of $7500 or more. The pay ranges from $17 to $25.
These are the people that gave me a full body pat down in Hartford. It was a little embarrassing, but I don't think if they had had more education that would have lessened my discomfort.
I made macadamia nut bark (chocolate) this a.m. I used Swerve instead of sugar. Yum!
Great story as usual. Good to hear your mum is doing OK. My bug seems to like me too much to leave but am trying to persevere.