Above is the link to the Daily Hampshire Gazette online account of Larry Kelley's death. I am shocked and saddened to lose a friend. I didn't always agree with his Republican politics, but he was a good man at heart and showed a lot of kindness to little old ladies like me. A lot of people will miss him a lot.
~~ Saturday
Tina's Blue Vase
Yes, I went to another wine and canvas with Teri Magner. My painting is above (sitting on my couch). I absolutely hated the painting when I left at 9:30 p.m. on Wednesday. In disgust, I tossed my painting on the floor of my car. The next day, I was early to work and brought it in with me. Sometimes things look very different in daylight. Well, it still was just a bunch of blobs of paint, but it started to look better to me after I took a black sharpie to it. I think the details really helped.
Below is the original that we were copying. It's a pastel, not acryllic paint as we used.

Redon's Blue Vase, courtesy of Google
I like them both. They are both different, but I like both.
Yes, I know that you have seen Palm Springs Night on the top, but this was supposed to show you that I actually do finish things. Most quilters have many UFOs (Unfinished Objects), but I do finish some things -- really. So I snapped a few completed items.
Jeanne and David Harlow's Creation
This is just a table decorative piece. I had thought it was done and then I realized that two of the triangles are hand quilted. Ooops. Guess I'll be finishing that soon.
This one is definitely not finished. After bordering the original Chinese print with silk, I am hand quilting around the flowers. I did finish one of these (spring flowers/fall leaves) and gave it to YaoYao.
~~ Oops, I did it again! I drove Nancy and me to the Francine and Sterling Clark Museum in Williamstown. I was delighted to find that the new exhibit was Japanese wood block prints. Since I already knew a bit about Hokusai from the exhibit in Boston 2 summers ago, I had an even greater appreciation of the other artists' works. I do not like the modern ones as much as the ancient (1800s).
And the rest of the museum -- was like seeing old friends again. The 14 year old Degas ballerina sculpture with the gauze skirt and silk ballet shoes, Rodin's The Thinker, countless Monets and Van Goghs ... it was a feast for my eyes. Of course, my favorite is and always has been the John Singer Sargents there. It was a very satisfying three and a half hours.
And what could be better than Chinese food for dinner? I got home a little after 8:30 p.m., having left at 11:30 a.m. I'm thinking I'll sleep well tonight.
(Luckily, it was close to 50 degrees because the Mowhawk Trail -- Route 2 -- is twisting and winding and steep. So even though everything melted, it still was in the low 40s when we left and I did not have to negotiate ice on a mountain road.
Good night all.