There has to be something out of whack when someone pays $1.2 Million for a baseball playing card -- when we have people with no food.
Above is Zachary's quilt. YaoYao said they like it! I designed it -- some of those squares are very little pieces. It's hand quilted.
Here's the back of the quilt (polka dots).
I don't know about you, but for me, time speeds by as if I'm on a bullet train in Japan. Consequently, I don't remember when this was (the week before last, I think). Sharon, my boss, pictured here took me with her for our version of postering at UMass. They have a wonderful Community Foundation where employees can designate an amount from every paycheck that is donated to the cause/charity of their choice. We do have some wonderful patrons who currently do this. Yes, that's Sammy the Owl with his construction hat on and the display shows our proposed renovation and expansion plans.
Almost everyone who said they use the Jones Library talked about how they like the staff. That was really gratifying -- particularly since they didn't have to say that! We had a good time although it is pretty tiring to be "on" for 4 hours.
I went to pick up a friend's mail yesterday. Look at what was on her front lawn. I used the business sized envelope to show you how tall the 'shroom is. The neat pie shape was already out of the top -- I think it split on its own.
We had had a long week at work, so on Friday morning, I brought Scotch Eggs for our coffee break. Sharon said "Yuck!" but Lisa and Roxanne seemed to like them. Personally, I think it's one of those things that looks better than they taste.
I liked the low carb blueberry muffins better! I had just baked them.
I painted a new tote bag!
This is my rendition of Cezanne's Pears on a Chair. No, I wasn't drinking. But I did have a good time!
On Tuesday night, I went to a Church Council meeting. On Wednesday night, I painted the tote bag above. On Thursday night, Lisa and I hosted Trivia (the last one) at the Library. Add a Trustees' meeting which included a mean-spirited argumentative person, and my energies flagged.
Additionally on Wednesday, I had drilling and the beginning of a new crown. The dentist put a temporary crown on. It fell off yesterday (Saturday). I don't know if they are open tomorrow on Columbus Day. Excuse me, the Amherst Select Board declared it "Indigenous Peoples Day." It sure makes the closed sign bigger.
So by Friday we were pretty tired and ready for a weekend. Just before I left, someone had a medical emergency and the ambulance had to be called. Consequently, I really enjoyed supper out with Nancy. It was nice to relax and just chat.
Today, Sunday, I have just been hanging around. I don't want to go out, but I'm out of cream for my coffee. I was going to use milk from a little Parmalat box but I looked at the carbs and it's 12 carbs! Heavy cream is 0! (I'm trying to do 25 carbohydrates per day.)
Thank goodness for the crock pot!! I threw in some beef with some sugarless bbq sauce and onions and it's fantastic! Woo hoo! I haven't shopped for groceries ... maybe I'll just eat tuna fish for the week, ha ha.
Here's the latest baby quilt I'm working on. I don't know why there are just two stars, that's what I designed.
As you can see, the back is the same polka dots as on Zachary's quilt. On this quilt, I have been outlining some (not all) of the dots -- that's the quilting. I hope to put the (homemade) binding on tonight. The binding takes a long time mainly because I get bored and put it aside.
Monday -- Glad I put the trash out last night! Anyway, it has been a lazy day. I have machine added the binding to the other baby quilt (that you don't see here) because that was the binding I had cut. I had forgotten that. Now I just have to hand sew it to the front. I can do that at class tonight.
I am really enjoying my Bible as Literature class. It's taught by Bruce Penniman and he's a great discussion leader. I really appreciate that he sends us the passages because it's easier if we are all discussing the same version/translation.
It's a good thing we don't take the Bible literally -- last time it was o.k. to sleep with the maid to get a kid (a la Swartzenegger), o.k. to pretend your wife was your sister so the Pharoh wouldn't kill you, but he would "marry" her, and it was o.k. to sacrifice your only son because that's what God wanted. I can hardly wait to read tonight's fare. I peeked and there's at least one rape. Yick. I guess they are telling us what's not o.k., but some of these are sure roundabout stories!
My crustless quiche is even yummier with fresh tomato slices (and feshly cooked bacon bits). I've got a daisy ham and cabbage in the slow cooker. I've got two lunches and three morning snacks packed up ready to go. I expect to have ham and cabbage for lunches too.
A wash is merrily in so after class I can veg out and watch Netflix. Thanks to Cyndi for suggesting Death in Paradise. It's popcorn style cosy mysteries -- but I get to see palm trees and warm beaches.
Ciao, have a great week!
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