I had a lovely time wandering around in the 80-something degree weather. Most of the art was inside at the Northampton Fairgrounds (right next to Sheldon Field), but the outdoor sculpture was outside. Makes sense, huh?
So here are a few pictures to get your creative juices flowing.
Metal masks -- she offered to let me try them on. It didn't look like a good thing for me. Oh my goodness! Can you see the photog taking an unconscious selfie?
I loved the burnished base on the left. It was pieces, almost like uneven bricks and each had a textured pattern.
I left the woman's hand and foot in so you can see how freakin' big those ants are. They had some even bigger bugs that I would not want on my lawn!
This eagle and tree were VERY impressive. You can actually see through the tree -- this was a lot of welding!
This picture does not do Ms. Parent's work justice. The hydrangea are exquisite in person.
On Saturday, I went to see Ex Machina at the movies. I loved it. It is a sci fi and, of course, deals with artificial intelligence. But there are some interesting ethical and philosophical questions. This is not to mention a killer ending! I highly recommend it (unless you can't stand sci fi).
I made pulled pork in the crock pot overnight. Bad move on my part: I used soy ginger marinade. I didn't realize I was out of bbq sauce. I did, however, rinse much of the sauce off the meat. It's still pretty salty but I'll just have to drink a lot of water.
I've done two loads of laundry and I have a couple more to go. I did wash 8 million dishes ... I might put them away ... don't want to rush into anything. Oh, right, have to vacuum. I try to start the week at work clean. Ciao for now.