Sunday, April 26, 2015

Cloudy Sunday

Does anyone know how much 2 cubic feet of mulch weighs?  My back knows what two bags of 2 cubic feet weigh and my back is not happy.  Luckily, the mulch is not wet (like last year). I did, however, discover that overcast and 57 F. is perfect for spreading mulch.  When you begin to sweat, you can take off your sweater.  I only got the decorative crab apple tree covered and spots in front of the house.  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Yesterday I met Cyndi for lunch at the UMass Campus Center.  She had brought an exhibit of Dickinsonian ephemera, and old old photos from Amherst College, Mass. Aggie (original UMass) and the Town of Amherst.  Everyone was fascinated by the large (about 4 feet wide and 3 feet tall) 1932 map of Amherst center.  It was done in sepia tones with a much older font style.

Cyndi was one of the exhibitors for the Amherst TEDx.  I got to hear the last speaker, Jeff Donovan, star of Burn Notice.  He was on a live stream because at the last minute, his agent said his contract would not let him attend in person. (He could see the audience.)  His talk, mainly directed at college students, started off with, "I hope you fail."  He went on to talk about his single welfare mother raising 3 boys in Amesbury, Mass. and how humiliated he was to have 'free lunch' in the school cafeteria.  He wasn't a great athlete, he wasn't a great student, and he certainly wasn't successful with the ladies. Then he went on to talk about how he didn't get into UMass the first time he applied, and how he had not been chosen for so many acting jobs.  

Obviously, his message was to persevere and be passionate about your work -- and life.  I was most impressed with his unabashed portrayal of his failures and how he had seen himself as a loser.  His talk was inspirational, in my opinion.  I sure hope it helped some struggling college students.

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&\ It's definitely spring as my spring allergies have kicked into high gear.  We don't have puddles ringed with yellow pollen yet, but it's coming soon.  I saw a tree wreathed in white clouds of blooms at UMass yesterday.  I don't think it was one of the Japanese cherry trees because it wasn't pink at all.  I'm seeing magnolias almost in bloom.  They must have made a hardier plant many years ago, because that was once only a southern tree.  We have had them year round for at least 30 years.  

Whew.  Hard to believe that I had memories that are over 30 years old.  Oh wait.  My daughters are 30 somethings! I've got way older memories.  You  hush up, Sharon!


The Murderer and the poet:

The story begins about 2 minutes in, after a BBC commercial.
Dan Lombardo, former Curator of the Jones Library speaks about 3 minutes in, and Bonnie Isman, former Director, speak of the forged Emily Dickinson poem that the Library bought.  I had to return the numerous donated checks.

1 comment:

  1. The Jeff Donovan speech would have been interesting Tina. Good to have someone like him to show others that they can do it if they keep at it.


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