Sunday, March 15, 2015

Yesterday Was Pi Day

So, of course, we had pie after supper!  But before that, Lisa, Cyndi and I went to the annual spring bulb exhibit at the Smith College conservatory.

These pictures loaded backward, and we made a couple of loops in the conservatory so that we could see everything.  So the first picture is toward the end of our tour.

I had never seen coeleus in orange before!

This pitcher was about four and a half inches long.  There was a dead bug in one of them.

These orchids were not so delicate!

This lily was about three and a half feet tall.

This is the beginning of the exhibit.  They painted the columns in addition to the paintings you see above so that you felt as if you were in Monet's garden.

The aroma of many perfumed flowers was intoxicating.

Yes, that tulip on the right was almost black.

This is a better view of the painted columns.

I love the curly petals -- it's almost as if someone cut the petals with scissors.

And that, my friends, is how you brighten up a rainy, chilly day!  We had a great time and we are very grateful to Roxanne who told us to go after 5 p.m. when it was less crowded.  It still was very slow going due to the numbers of people, so it must have been a snail's pace at 10 a.m.  Their suggested donation was $5 and 2 two foot square donation cubes were almost full to the very top showing that a lot of people had been there in the morning.

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