Saturday, January 10, 2015

Furious Friday

Ever have one of those days that goes by fast and furious? This is one of them.  (No, I'm not furious at anyone.)

I decided to share lunch with you, so I'm still physically at work.

Laugh of the day: So I zip into a parking space at the north end of Town knowing that I'll only be 5 minutes or so because I'm picking up a pre-ordered sandwich.  As I get out of my car, a woman shows up and says, "I think I can get my car past yours."  Understand, she is driving a car the size of a quarter and if she backs out straight, there will still be 16 inches or more of clearance.

I look at her.

"Well, you're in there pretty crooked.  At an angle."

I continue to look at her, lock my car and start to walk away.

"Some days are just at an angle," she says to my retreating back.  

I figure: if it makes her feel better to criticize my parking -- which obviously I didn't care about in the first place -- so be it.  (By the way, we were parked in front of empty stores which are about to be demolished for rehab.  No other parking spaces were injured.)

So it snowed today, just enough to be a pain driving in.  The sun's out now and it feels positively balmy compared to the deep freeze of yesterday and the day before.

The snow had already abated somewhat when I drove in to work because I was late.  I have to figure out how to get rid of my off and on sinus pain.  I'm beginning to wonder if I'm "sick," but wouldn't I be in pain all of the time?

I got gas for $2.04/gallon!! (That's with 20 cents off per gallon from the supermarket.)  Woo hoo!


The above web site has the most amazing designs! (I copied it from FaceBook.)


O.k. so now it's Saturday.  Who knows why I woke up at 6:30 a.m.? However, after another cup of tea, it's back to reading Gallows Hill.  My first book club meeting is next Wednesday to discuss the book.


Some good-hearted soul has put up "Smile" signs on the windows of some doors in the Library -- where only staff see them.  It used to annoy me, because I see it as a command from an unseen person, but it no longer does.  I discovered that when you are on the other side of the door, and you can see the letters backward, my brain scrambles it into "Slime."  I'm much more comfortable with that.

I know this blog is bland ... but real life with terrorists, horrible plane crashes, and other violence is too much for me to deal with.  I escape here and hope that you don't mind running away with me too!!

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