How come as soon as I hit the "Open Door" button on the garage door, that's the time my body whispers to me, "I told you 45 minutes ago in the supermarket that you had to go now."? As you can imagine, this makes it imperative that I exit quickly with the grace of a ballet dancer in order to leave my cloth seats dry.
Mission accomplished but then there is the unloading and stowing of the foodstuff. I always swear that I won't wait so long to shop, but I didn't and now I have a lot of food to put away. I have to put it away because I'll need a rest before the marathon.
That's the cooking marathon. If I buy it, I must cook it on the weekend or it doesn't get cooked.
Well, putting away the perishables was an adventure. I had thought the bagger (an older gentleman) knew what he was doing. But, it quickly became obvious to me that he did not see the need to put 'refrigerator stuff' in one or two bags. So each of the many bags had at least one perishable item. I say many bags because when I realized that he was packing 25 pound bags to get everything into the recyclable bags, I said, "Not too heavy, please. I have a bad back." Then he proceeded to put one (count it, one) item in each of four or five plastic bags. Oh yeah, the bar soap was snuggled up against my splurge cookies. Sigh. I wonder if I like soap flavored cookies.
Break for many episodes of Scandal. I am addicted and intoxicated by this show.
Currently, there are two quiche with Hadley asparagus in them, some dry rub ribs, and two chicken hot Italian sausages in the oven. I may hull some of the California strawberries to go with my next round of Scandal. (The watermelon has been divested of its rind and is chilling in the fridge.) :)
Above is the famous Hadley Asparagus. The pen is to show you how young and small the stalks are. They had some white asparagus, but that's just asparagus abuse and wrong!
No, I did not take pictures of the quiche or other food. Just imagine little pieces of asparagus in the quiche!
Friday Rollback
Friday after work we had the volunteer party for those who worked on the Sammy awards. It was fun, particularly since I got to buy a whole Samuel Manhattan. It's a perfect manhattan aged in a cherry cask and served with a black cherry and a twist of orange. Yum! It tasted like more, but one was sufficient for a nice buzz while I munched on chicken, beef, or shrimp on a stick. We had an amiable group at the table so people just loaded up a plate and we all got to enjoy. Somebody said, "I wonder if there is dessert?" and went to look. She came back with -- are you ready? -- a stick with a one inch square of thick cut bacon with chocolate on one side of the bacon, topped with a black cherry. I thought it was more work (and cholesterol) than it was worth. But someone was creative!
So here it is Sunday. I have continued my Scandal marathon to ridiculous heights. Finally, I shut off Netflix and went outside.
Can you see the flower on the pepper? I am excited.
We have tomatoes! They are cherry tomatoes and a bit hard to see, but they are there!
After spreading some more marsh grass, I got out the hedge clippers. Everything is pretty well trimmed, but by the time I got done, I didn't have any more oomph to pick up the branches and twigs. Another day perhaps. I'm hoping it will rain, otherwise I'm going to have to water and that means hooking up the hose. (I unhooked it so my lawn mowing guy wouldn't run over it.)
I did want to see the peonies though -- almost missed them entirely.
One last bud (above).
I just realized that my glasses are in my garden bag in the garage. Darn! (I'm using an old pair that I keep behind my computer.) I went to the eye doc on Thursday for a checkup and he said, "Hellooo, Stranger!" I didn't realize that it had been 5 years since I had been. [Insert sheepish face here.]
When I went to get the new lenses, with an old frame, the technician agreed that I should not have the night time coating. I had told her that I can see better at night without my glasses. My nearsightedness is very little -- it's the reading glasses that I really need. The technician told me that when light hits the windshield of a car, it diffuses; when it hits the coating on the glasses, it diffuses, and then the lens in the eye, etc. So I had instinctively hit on the right solution in taking off my glasses when driving at night. Yehaw! So much for people who said, "That's impossible!"
So, no. No word from the jerk who owes me a lot of money for editing his dissertation. It turns out, other editors have told me that I shouldn't have felt obligated to do that formatting. He should have done that or hired someone separately. So I did not fail. But I was decidedly taken advantage of. Next time I hear that someone 'works for the government,' they will have to pay first.
I am very grateful for how much we have. I read about a well project and the celebrity connected with the project asked a little girl what the new well in her village meant to her. She told him she would save three hours a day on fetching water for her family. What would she do with that extra time? She was going to play.
It's time for me to hit the shower. I hope you have a wonderful rest of weekend! P.S. They liked my ghost writing promoting Don Berwick for governor -- so they gave me more to do! :)