Yup, I've hit a slump. I'm exhausted. Really. (Usually, I'm kidding when I say this.) My odyssey began last week. (Do you know that at one time in my life it wouldn't have taken me three tries to spell odyssey correctly? Thank God, I can still spell hors d'ouevres!)
Sharon decided that she and her husband wanted my treadmill. They don't know that they could have had it for free just to get it out of my bedroom, but they cheerily paid me a bit of cash. (I had traded a nice double bed futon for this really top of the line treadmill.) Let's face it, I wasn't using the treadmill. I had used it a couple of times and, no, I really never did hang clothes on it. But, for some reason, it made me nervous and I just wasn't using it.
So why am I exhausted? Because it took from last week right up until the minute that they got here to de-clutter my bedroom and kitchen. Who knew that bending a lot would make my back sore? Anyway, Mike very nicely moved my bureau for me so now my TV is on that and I don't have to have the cable box suspended in mid air. The only problem ... I hadn't cleaned off the top of my bureau. It's now all on top of my bed. Ugh. I may never go to bed again. And I even changed the sheets and put my winter quilt on it. (This one is modern batik green camouflage colors with ducks. The summer one is very girly and mostly white with flowers.)
But all in all, I'm very happy. The only thing on the kitchen table is a quilted table runner that I made and it's quite pretty if I say so myself. I would take a picture and show you, but I don't have the strength to lift the camera ...
I love the Amherst Bulletin, I really do. We get it mailed to us once a week for FREE! and it gives us all of the local news and events. They also print the Police Report. I don't usually read it (although a former resident has published a whole book of these reports), but I did the other night when I was in my Library. You know, the room with the bath tub.
Some times you just have to laugh. I know it's not funny for the perp, but ... Michael was arrested and charged with 3 things (including DUI), but the fourth was the unkindest cut of all: '...operating a motor vehicle making harsh and objectionable noise.' First of all, was HE making the noise, or was it his car? If it were he, was he farting, yelling, yodeling, or singing off key? If it were his car, was it farting, letting the radio blare too loudly, backfiring, or needing a muffler?
The next item was '... an Amherst man ... failure to stay within marked lanes following a traffic stop on Rambling Road August 31 ...' Isn't that why they call it Rambling Road? He was rambling ...
I can't stop. Listen to this: 'A goat got loose ... The owner was advised to better pen in the goat, which had previously been wandering in the neighborhood in July.' So does that mean 'make a better pen that will hold the goat'? Or does that mean, 'You better pen up this goat because he keeps wandering.'? Maybe he's looking for a lady goat. Sheesh. Wanders in July and is at it again in September. He needs a date.
Finally, this one was poignant: "Police found a man banging his head against the brick wall of a University Drive business. He told police he was just upset about breaking up with his girlfriend." And it also left me with a lot of questions. Had he drawn blood? Did they offer him a band aid? Was he anywhere near the Amherst Brewing Company? If so, did they suggest he consult the bartender? Was he waiting for the newly ex girlfriend to come out and see him and take pity? Did the police tell him to stop? Or would they have to wait until he needed transport by ambulance?
Speaking of clothing, it has finally dawned on me that if I bring all of the hangers downstairs to the rack right next to the dryer, I can use them as I take my clothes out of the dryer. Duh. If I can keep this going, I'll avoid the laundry basket of clothes to be hung up. Some times I'm so smart, I'm downright dumb.
The new revelation: my dryer has always been on the wrong side of the washer (the door is on the wrong side). Now, because I have a new dryer and the door is tight, I'm noticing it more. I wonder if the door can go on the other side? I'll have to ask somebody about that. That's the ticket. I'll ask Miguel at work. :)
While I was doing the de-cluttering and vacuuming and putting away clean dishes and laundry ... I forgot to eat lunch. So I'm thinking a really early supper would be good. I have nothing to make so that means a trip to the grocery store. Not sure I have the energy. If you see me by the side of the road, sleeping in my car, just give a gentle toot on the horn, o.k.?
Oh you poor thing Tina. Laughed so much it hurt LOL. I hope you're having a better today being Monday but then not too many of us like Mondays do we?