Sunday, September 25, 2016

Sunday Second Post of this Weekend

I feel that I have spent far too much time on the weekends doing nothing (such as a whole day in pajamas) and Sunday night I say, "What have I done today?" So while what is about to come, may be exceedingly boring to you, this is my free therapy (and a push to keep going).

I was very proud of myself to have finished laundry by Friday night (having started on Thursday), and as you know, I was pretty busy yesterday. That left preparing food for the week.

Did I every tell you that eating healthy is quite a chore? (Yeah, yeah, I know that should be eating "healthfully," but it has been a long time since Mrs. Burns' grammar lessons in the sixth grade and I speak more in vernacular now.) Since I'm usually too tired after work to cook, I cook on the weekends for lunches and suppers. [A good part of healthy eating is not eating in restaurants.]

So now, at Noon time, after a breakfast of sausage and eggs, I have accomplished this:

Watched CBS Sunday Morning *
Baked boneless pork ribs with tomato and onion, baked hot Italian sausage with sweet red peppers, made pesto with mushrooms and Miracle Noodles ziti, baked an eggplant casserole, baked many chicken thighs with different dry rubs, cooked green beans, cooked broccoli. 

A while ago, I had bought reusable plastic containers (from Groupon) with two separate compartments. So far, I have filled five of them for lunches. I have to wait for the food to cool before I cover and refrigerate them.

I have cleaned out the fridge, which has let me know that I should either make meatballs or hamburgers. Part of this exercise is to get the packaging into the trash for tomorrow's pick up. 

I have knit (and purled) a couple of inches of knitting on an 8" x 8" square for the afghan at work. Several of us are knitting squares of different colors and the blanket will 'live' in the staff break room. This knitting is quite an accomplishment for me because I have never before been successful with knitting. :)  More later.

* CBS Sunday Morning was a farewell to Charles Osgood who had the position of host for 22 years. At first I thought I didn't want to watch it, but it was pretty interesting to see some of his old clips. I am especially envious of his vacation home in the south of France -- with grapes in the back yard. He and his wife have the blue and yellow French dishes that match my kitchen curtains. I never thought about their being French when I bought the fabric many years ago and I just happened to put a lace valence over the cafe style curtains. It's weird the things one does unconsciously.


Well, ya, it's Monday. But I did vacuum, wash a zillion dishes and pots and pans. I knit a few more inches, recycled and shredded papers, played some video games and ended up with Poldark on PBS. So while I did stay in my jammies all day, I was fairly productive!

Of course, after all of that cooking and washing up, I see a winter squash (the size of a small child) uncooked on the counter. It will become squash soup, probably on Tuesday. Tonight (Monday) is my Bible as Literature class and I have no time for soup! :)

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