It has been a rollercoaster ride including buying a new washing machine, inhabiting the desert with temperatures 10 degrees above normal (can you say is it really 112 F.?), paying exorbinant plane and rental car prices, getting stuck in Denver for hours due to the "computer glitch," buying a new laptop (mine died) having LOW TIRE PRESSURE in my car twice in three days bla, (the first was when I was in Holyoke), bla, bla, bla.
Now for the really good stuff! Mom is fine. She had her battery changed, they may have done an oil change too but I didn't ask. My Debbie Darling picked me up in Boston (and got me a hotel room!!) which saved me another three hours of waiting in Denver for a plane to Hartford which was ultimately cancelled. And I did not catch covid on my travels!
More really good stuff: Emily met me yesterday in Mystic, Connecticut and we went to the Mystic Aquarium. We had a really good time. It was only 69 F. when I left the house (stopping at the tire store in Northampton first to check the tire pressure and get rid of the warning that obscures everything else). It was a perfect day in the 80s with a slight breeze as we walked around viewing the fish and other animals. It did creep close to 90 but we were in our cars with the a.c. by then. For your viewing pleasure, I submit some of my favorite shots. (Yes, there are more, but enough is enough!)