Some bunny loves you ...
Thanks, Mom!
Today, Easter Sunday, we went to the Street Bar in Palm Springs to see the many Easter bonnets. We missed the actual competition waitng for an Uber, but it was still plenty crowded when we got there. Paul is one of the bartenders there and we were happy to see J and J who are also neighbors. They kindly gave us a ride home. I got permission from all bonnet wearers to take and post their pictures.
Jeff and Jack our neighbors
He had a lovely full length frock.
Paul decorated the chandelier. He is facing the camera with the BIG bonnet.
Well, ya, the pink cheeks may have been a function of the vodka tom collins. I still feel naked without my glasses. I'm going to get a prescription for reading glasses which I will wear all of the time. It was really fun at the Street Bar -- everyone was so nice to us and they were all having a great time,
Thank you, Tomi, for showing me that Spring is at my house!
Meanwhile, Eric and Bernie the Dog slipped away to Idyllwild because it was 90 F. in Palm Springs and 70s there. (It started in the 50s in PS in the morning, so it was colder up lin the mountains in the morning. Hence the heavy clothing.)
I finally finished the pillow for Eric and Paul. It's raw edge applique and the pattern is called Retro Flash (I forget the pattern company.)
Can you see Bernie on the chair?
Speaking of canines: Deb and Paul's dog, Pork Chop, really loves sleep overs with his buddy, Sam. Sam, however, told PC he had to sleep in his own crate. (Pork Chop is on the left.)

Yesterday's full moon was brilliant!Also yesterday (Saturday), we went to Ruth Hardy Park to see the Desert Flaggers. There was a lovely breeze and we had a lovely picnic with Eric, Paul, Ron, and Paul's family. Eric is on the left, Paul is on the right.
You know me -- always seeing weird patterns. Here is a tree trunk (2 different sides) of the tree shading us as we watched the Flaggers. The tree was fully leafed out and seemed healthy.
A week ago, on April 10th, we went to hear the Gay Men's Chorus. It's always impressive to see 100 men onstage and their sound is fabulous. The performance was very moving because in between songs, they played recordings of members of the Chorus telling some of their story. Often they talked of discrimination and how they coped with being different. But it was all hopeful and joyous.
On Sunday, April 3, our friend Carole made this wonderful almond cake for us. She also made a wonderful dinner too, but this cake was so gorgeous. That's a large serving knife, by the way. The cake is actually an 8 inch cake.
After we ate, we played Mexican Train Dominos.
I have more than 20 pictures from the flower gardens at Carlsbad. But it's already 1 a.m. so I'm thinking those pictures will have to be in another post. That was a really fun bus trip on March 31. I'm sorry I'm such a bad correspondent. I'll try to do better in the future!