Sunday, December 18, 2022

December 18

 The silence is thundering in my ears. I wake at 4 a.m. and really miss the light breathing next to me. Emily has returned home after a whirlwind week's visit. 

Deb has been doing a fantastic job of distracting me with pickle ball. I have to admit, I missed playing it a lot and it brings back happy memories with LeeAnne. 

Onto the real reason for writing to you: yet again, I have been a sloth and have not sent out any Christmas nor Hanukkah cards. This, however, is my wishing you happy holidays and Merry Christmas. I hope you all know that these blogs are my way of having a conversation with you. In fact, I am delighted when someone writes back! 

Yes, it's that time of year. Emily and I are very thankful that Robert drove his parents (Lorne and Elaine) and us to see the Wild Lights at the Living Desert last Friday night.

We  were delighted to see that this year they had lit the front of the giraffes' area so we could see them very well. In the past, we could only see shadows. Two of the youngsters got frisky and were playing tag for a bit. It's fun to watch them run. They are so graceful and you have to wonder how it is that they do not stumble.

Robert took his job of herding us in the right direction very seriously. I guess that's when he figured out how distracted I become with colored lights and animals.

The train setup just keeps growning and growing! It's maintained by volunteers; you can see one on the top right with a Santa hat. People are encouraged to buy a billboard (sorry, there's not one in the picture) so there were some that said "Happy Birthday to So and So" and others were from a Grandma naming the grandchildren. Of course, local businesses made it a 'real' billboard advertising their optometry shop and others.

It's all in your perspective, isn't it? This is standing at the trains looking at the tunnel of lights, which is really big! If you look at the people in the far right, you can see what I mean. The Santa at the top right was larger than life and animated. He swung at the golf ball.

This is at the beginning before I put my fuzzy hat on. It was quite chilly in the 50s. Elaine is Canadian so no hat was necessary for her.


And now we come to my favorite -- the Christmas Red Picture. Every year I like to get a picture with us wearing red. I was thrilled that Paul decided to join us! Of course, as photographer, that made it doubly difficult for him since his phone had only a 10 second timer.

He had a couple of shots with him in mid run to the couch (I kind of liked the action shots) which he discarded.

The PLAID photo was next and it tooks a couple of tries to get us all together and smiling after putting on the pj's. At this point, Mom is REALLY laughing because once he was invited onto the couch, Pork Chop lunged at Mom and was covering her face with kisses. (Grammy is his favorite person.) Emily is holding him still as you can see. The look on his face is, "What the heck are we doing now?"

This is our Christmas card to you.

It's fun having Pork Chop around, but he can be exhausting because he's SO enthusiastic. His personality is akin to Will Ferrell playing Elf when he yells, 'Saaaanta!!!'


We went to Mom's WOW (Widows or Widowers) Christmas party.
Thank You, Eric, for taking the picture!

That design is all "diamonds" and I have a stripe of those on each pant leg. It's my new Palm Springs Bling. The background is opposite Mom's front door. The previous owners had commissioned a wonderful trompe l'oeil artist. (I had to look up how to spell trompe l'oeil and I had only forgotten two e's. Now I'm wondering if that apostrophe is correct. Sigh.)


Speaking of new, I just found out somebody has hacked my credit card. Grrrr ... I had a half dozen of unauthorized charges all with made up company names from "Vancouver CA." I'm awaiting a new card with a new number. It's a rotten feeling knowing someone has willfully stolen from you. 

Here's my obligatory 'making you jealous' shot. We still haven't been allowed to eat any of these oranges. The owner likes to make sure he doles them out. The tangelos across the way are delish and the lemons are great. It's amazing to live in Paradise.

Below are the tangelos. I have no idea why they have an outie belly button.


Pork Chop took us to Boozehounds (where dogs bring their people). We knew there was going to be a (first time) holiday market with local vendors, but the Drag Queen performances were a surprise. 

All of the women 'sang' rousing holiday songs, giving quite a vigorous performance.

Look at those high heels!!

Deb hesitated in putting the dollar into her bra.

This Lady was the most athletic, doing splits while leaping into the air and forward rolls.

She was the MC

In the Atrium


The other night, Deb made us a wonderful concoction called an egg nog martini. She used nog flavored almond milk, amoretto, and vanilla vodka. I think that was it. It was delicious!


As they say, that's all I got. I'm wishing you health, peace, and happiness. Ciao!

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Trip West and More

Yes, I know that it has been a long time since my trip west, so I have finally picked selected pictures.

Taking Route 70 West, aka "The Northern Route" was quite a trip. Never again. After these wonderful vistas in Colorado, it was a very mountainous route. The verticals and downhills were breathtaking, sometimes posted at 70 mph. It was a little freaky seeing the almost vertical truck runaway lanes. And hearing the semi tractor trailers downshifting to break was a bit unnerving. Luckily, there were no snow nor ice on the road, but there was some snow on the sidesof the road and the higher peaks nearby. I was getting tired but I thought I'd get past Winter Park and Aspen and pull into a motel. Wrong! The downhill trip seemed to be neverending. 

I ended up crossing into Utah and since the first two exits said "No Services," I got off at a town called Cisco. Bad move. It turns out there is no town -- and my gps went nuts and sent me into a circle. So I backtracked and found a motel. The next morning at breakfast, I struck up a conversation with a trucker that knew of Cisco -- and his gps and his phone wouldn't work there either. (He hauls crude oil to users.) He said he had to be on the highway and take a screen shot of the map to be able to get where he was going in Cisco.

When I got to Las Vegas, I was in a giant traffic jam at about 4:30 p.m. I didn't want to stop there and soon I was in California. I decided to stop and all I found was full hotels and motels. So I gave up and kept driving. Consequently, I ended up driving over 700 miles on each of the last two days. It wasn't my intention, but it just worked out that way.

 November 1  Colorado

Octonber 31 Lincoln, Nebraska

October 30 Chesterton, Indiana

Rest Stop with a Beautiful Tree

Saturday, October 29 

Bad me -- I'm too lazy to dig out my trip notes so I can't tell you where this is. Taking this picture, I was standing in a glassed in "bridge" over 4 lanes of highway, plus a median. It was a fairly long walk from the parking lot to the rest rooms and food court.

Friday, October 28

This was at a rest stop at almost the end of my first day on the road. I had left Amherst fairly late (as in 11 a.m.) so I didn't get very far. 


Sunday, November 5 in Palm Springs. Sunset


November 10  LaQuinta Art Show

This was one of the first pieces we saw. Carole was busy getting us mimosas, and I walked over to see this piece up close. It's glass!! Below is a close up. I got to talk to the artist who was eager to explain his process which has many steps to mold and weave the glass strips. It's amazing work.

I have many more pictures of the art there, but it's late and I think I'll close soon. 

We have been really busy. I did go to another outdoor art show in Indian Wells with Elaine. Mom and I have kept busy lately dog sitting Carlo. He will go home on Tuesday. We have had him since the Monday before Thanksgiving.

No, Carlo is not in jail. We were waiting for Mom to get her hair done at the salon inside of the super Walmart (with lots of groceries). I had walked back and forth the length of the building many times, so it was time for a rest.

We didn't want to leave him home alone, worried that he would feel totally abandoned. Today we took him to downtown Palm Springs with us for shopping and then lunch. There were many people and many dogs. He seemed to enjoy himself with all of the new sights and sounds and smells. 

May you all be as happy as 16 year old Carlo who enjoys leaping like a gazelle onto the bed or couch! Cheers!

Monday, October 17, 2022

Hyperbole Time

 Last Thursday, I peeled 8 million apples for apple sauce. Others peeled apples the next day for apple crisp. All in all, I think there were two tons of apple peels to be composted.

On Saturday, yesterday, I peeled six million pounds of potatoes for mashed. These were the biggest potatoes I have ever seen. I am sure that one potato weighed a half pound (really). Believe it or not, I was at the church at 8 a.m. for an hour of potato peeling. Later at 1:30 p.m. I went back to help put the applesauce in cups and put a sploosh of whipped cream on the apple crisp. At 5 p.m., I went back to pick up my perfect roast pork dinner.

I was a very small cog in the machine that turned out 130 dinners with roast pork, mashed squash, mashed potatoes and gravy, roll, and apple crisp. Each time I was peeling, I was one of six volunteers doing the same thing. There were 6 to 8 people working every time I went to the Church kitchen.

Oh, yes, the pork dinner was scrumptious! 

Applesauce for the 29 who dined in (rather than take out)

Apple crumble ready to be closed up and refrigerated


October 6

October 8

October 16. It's definitely Fall here. Days are beginning at around 40 F. ending possibly in the high 60s. We have definitely had one hard frost in the wee hours. We have had many rains, which is a good thing, but it has left many trees devoid of leaves.

Consequently, I'm trying to do a fall cleanup of weeds and sticks. I'll have Jacob mulch the many leaves on the grass. And I brought in my tropical plant. Phyllis said she would watch it over the winter. The poor thing has been dropping flowers and leaves, but I think it's ready to rest. Imagine my surprise to see the same plant growing happily outside of the Church (in a pot)! That plant is huge, possibly more than one in the pot. I sure hope someone saves that cheery plant!

Top right is the Japanese embroidery of pansies in a basket. The art is called bunka by my half sister, Sherylann. She is very talented. 

The little piece hanging on the door was hand quilted when I could still do tiny stitches.


More in my living room.

Quilted piece by Jeanne Harlow, frame by the late David Harlow


Netflix Favorites:

The Black List -- ridiculously violent, which I hate, but tolerate due to my really liking James Spader as an actor. The writing is pretty good, but I think when the writers get tired their "padding" is a chase scene, with a fight, and then a murder.

Blown Away -- a wonderful competition among glass blowers. The great thing is that they are all supportive of one another even though it's a competition with a large prize. Heartbreak here is the sound of breaking glass.

Ink Master -- this is a competition among tatoo artists. You have to tolerate the f word and very crude behavior on the part of both the tatooer and the client (crassly called a canvas). However, it's interesting to see the tatoos. I would never have one, but I like to see it on other people.

Sweet Magnolias -- three South Carolina women support each other through the vicissitudes of life. I really enjoyed this Hallmark-like serial. The character development is quite good and it's closer to 'real life' than most. However, the romance can be a bit heavy at times.

The Sinner -- I have come back to this for Season 4. This heavy psychological murder mystery with Bill Pullman is heavy, man, heavy. I really like it but it's so dark, you need a brain cleanser such as Sweet Magnolias or the Christmas Season of Blown Away to make sure you don't stay in the dark recesses of Harry Ambrose's (William Pullman) brain. Each season is a different murder mystery. Season 1 is particularly bloody.

Next Fashion -- is my newest favorite. Fashion designers compete to win $250,000. Most are unknown, but a few already have their clothing in stores. They begin with 18 contestants working in teams of two and they whittle it down to 1 on 1. I was sorry when the series ended. It's very interesting to me to see the creative process.

Extraordiary Attorney Woo --  we first see Woo Young Woo when she is five years old, when she is getting a diagnosis of autism. Next we see her as a rookie attorney. Full of good feelings, this series is enlightening and teaching me tolerance. I'm really enjoying it, especially since I remembered to switch to English from Korean!

More than a week ago, I visited the Farmers' Market in Amherst on a lovely sunny fall day. This was displayed at Sunset Farm.

From a bouquet for sale

Also for sale

This bee is getting ready for winter


Woo hoo! My fist bowl cozy! The reverside side is below.


Everybody wants to know when I'm heading West. So far, lift off day is slated at October 28. Who knows? I may need an extra day or two ... but that's the plan so far. "The Gang" (pictured below) are eagerly awaiting my arrival so they can beat me at Mexican Train Dominoes. Our hostess, Carole, is in the upper right with the gloriously silver hair. Mom is seated below her.

This was outside on Carole's patio, by the way. I can't wait!


I am ashamed to say that I forgot to wish my Canadian friends a Happy Thanksgiving which happened on Indigeneous People's Day AKA Columbus Day. Happy Thanksgiving!! 

And that's it for now. I wish you peace. Tina

Friday, September 23, 2022

Cow-ardly Escape!

Having just left Aldi, enjoying the fabulous sunny and breezy fall day (61 F.), I notice that the two lanes of cars are stopped going both ways. This is the road that bisects the Gould Farm in Hadley. I wondered if some ducks were crossing. Then I saw her. A young (as in she looks like a teenager) cow is on the tiny bit of grass that has the road on one side and the electric fence on the other side. She was looking away from the road toward the empty field where she and her buddies normally graze. She bellowed for help, started to cross the road, then changed her mind and went back to the wrong side of the fence. The traffic inched forward as the poor girl waited for some help.

I couldn't stand it, so after I got through the stop sign, I made a U turn and went back. As a former school bus driver, I know how to take command of a situation. I threw on my hazard lights and got out of the car.  Some idiot decided to go around all of the stopped vehicles and he nearly killed me going down the center, but it is always good to let an asshole get out of your way. 

I called to the cow and she looked at me. I talked in a low voice while walking toward her. She wasn't impressed and started to walk away. She looked back and I walked to the middle of the road and luckily she thought crossing the road there was a good idea. And it was -- because there was a woman on the other side who herded the cow toward the barn. 

After I turned around again to go home, I saw that the herd was outside behind the barn and the farmer was fiddling with the gate. So maybe Bessie had wheedeled her way out of the gate and crossed the road to go to the pasture. 


Yes, it's that time of year again. I have made pumpkin muffins and I'm looking for recipes to use the rest of the can of pumpkin. The muffin recipe only made 6 muffins, so maybe I'll make that again. Tomi brought me a sugar pumpkin and Sue brought me the carved duck all the way from Copenhagen, Denmark!  His head moves if you want to create different expressions.


It was a fun 3 weeks with 3 year old E, but, boy was I tired! The "cold" lasted for 20 days at which time Tomi took a look at me and dragged me to a CVS Minute Clinic. They gave me an antibiotic and I actually felt better after two doses! I had done 3 covid tests all of which were negative.

Oh, yes, if you jump in the puddle, your pretty pink boots fill up with muddy water!

On the Friday that E left, N arrived. She is 12 years old and just a teriffic kid. She was very polite and funny and we got along great. She was picked up and delivered to school in Greenfield (about a half hour drive one way) every day for school. Since she had her lunch at 10 a.m., she was pretty hungry when she got back from school. We ended up eating supper at 4:30 p.m. I told her she was an honorary senior citizen. That gave her time to do some baking which she loved. We went to a movie, I supervised her making a keto carrot cake cheese cake and peanut butter cookies. She made (from a box) chocolate cupcakes with frosting piped into flowers all by herself. I was shocked when I bought food coloring for the frosting -- it is really expensive. I think I'm going to bring the colors with me to California. I bet Mom would love pink mashed potatoes!

A couple of days ago, I had M who is 3 years and a lovely boy who is on the spectrum. The poor thing hit meltdown (overtired) with a spectacular tantrum. I ended up driving him all around Robin Hood's barn to get him to fall asleep which he did a few minutes before hitting my driveway. So I sat in the car with him while he slept. Thank goodness for cell phones which provide reading material!


Needless to say, the flowers are waning.

I have been told this is tropical so the only way to save it is to bring it into the house.

This one flower out of many seeds bloomed. The birds ate the rest.


I have been watching Anne with an E (about Anne of Green Gables) on Netflix and it is very wholesome. I am actively avoiding "doomscrolling" which I learned about from The Good Wife. That's when you look at all of the bad news on your phone and tv and facebook, twitter, etc. I'm much calmer. Of course, it's the equivalent of burying my head in the sand but I need a rest. 

Oh, I also re-watched The Crown. Wow. I understand that the royals are human, but ... some are really mean.

And that's what has been going on here. Happy trails!