CVS Clerk: When do you want to pick up your prescription?
Me: On Monday or later. (This was Friday.)
CVS Clerk: It will be ready after 2 p.m. today.
Me: But I said Monday!
CVS Clerk: You said, 'Or later.'
To me, in this instance, "later" meant on Tuesday ...
Nancy W. and I went to the opening night of "dine in" at Mission Cantina. (I think it was on Wednesday.) They had arranged picnic tables under a big tent in their parking lot. You went up to a window and ordered and paid. Then, when your food was ready, they called your name and you picked it up.
Yes, I got dressed up. It was the first dinner at a restaurant since March. You can't tell, but I'm smiling under the mask.
Saturday, June 13, was Knitting in Public Day. I did my knitting at Planet Color in Andover, MA right after my new haircut. Thank you, Sherylann, I love my haircut!
I know I post a lot of pictures of food ... but I'm not doing much except cooking and gardening.
On Friday, Sue H. and I met for lunch at Panera in Hadley. They had umbrella tables outside. You ordered inside and they brought it out to you, which was lovely. We had such a good time chatting away that the sun began to creep onto my arm. No problem, I used my sunscreen umbrella to deflect the sun. Thanks, Sue! I had missed our coffee breaks/chats. [Sue is my technology guru and I try to make appropriate noises and nod when she waxes on about 5 g and location of cell towers and corporate technology takeovers. But in reality, it's all Greek to me. I just try to keep my mouth shut long enough so that I don't show my ignorance!]
Yesterday (Saturday, 6/20/20) was the day for me to have my new kitchen window installed. There is a long story behind this other long story.
Last November, I contracted for a casement window (with a crank) because the reach over the sink is too much for my poor back when I want to open the window. It was supposed to be installed before I left for California. Nope, they didn't make it. So Lowe's said, 'Call us,' when I got back. My three month stay turned into six months.
Finally, I got a call from Andy The Window Installer. Actually, it was a series of calls (believe it or not, I am editing this) and we set it as 9:30 a.m. on Saturday. At 10:20, he still hadn't arrived and I was beginning to steam. Luckily, I looked at my text messages and at 9:13 a.m., he had written that he was running late.
He showed up at 11:30 a.m. I was not amused and let him know. He said they wouldn't release the window to him at Lowes and he had spent two hours there waiting for a manager who would help him. Anyway, after an hour or so I cooled down and apologized for being cranky. At that point I had figured that he was a window installer's version of Art Carney when he sat down to play the piano on the Jackie Gleason Show. He was very methodical and careful.
Little did I know that he would not be done until 5:30 p.m. Honest. He did point out that he had insulated on the outside and I admired his handiwork.
It's a lovely, lazy Sunday morning. The sun is shining and if it's like yesterday, it will go to the 90s with 52% or more of humidity.
After getting up at 6 a.m. and opening the windows, I managed to sleep until 8:30 a.m. That's a vast improvement over yesterday's 5 a.m.! But I do get things done before it's ridiculously hot ...
Yup, the blueberry muffins are good. I found the right recipe, Mom.
It is very comfortable in my house with window and a.c. management. But I will have to go out into the heat to water my gardens. They are coming along, inch by inch.
The watering has been done. At quarter to six, it has cooled down to 92 F. Sure glad I didn't go out at 1 p.m.! Here's the back in progress.
This photo gave me an Impressionist feel. Don't know if my hand was shaking or if my eyes are blurry (from allergies). Yes, there is still new soil in the bag. I will have to spread it another morning. To the left of the yellow stuff and behind it are some orange day lillies that haven't opened yet.
In the front, that one stella d'oro lily has been joined by friends.
Also in the front are some other incipient lily flowers. Not yet though.
The skinny thing on the left is not a stick. It's a chive that I picked from the back. If I get ambitious, I'm going to make zucchini patties with chives. And maybe cheese. I dunno. Right now I feel like falling asleep. And it's o.k. because I put the trash out!
I have finished "Dectorists" which is on Amazon Prime. They are people in Britain who use metal detectors looking for treasure or old coins. It's quite amusing with quirky characters and an interesting plot. There's no violence and very few bad words, so it's kind of a relaxing romp through some unusual people's lives. It was a TV show, I think, so there are short episodes and you can stop whenever you want.
I was delighted to see that there is a season 6 of Harry Bosch on Netflix. He's an old school LA detective in modern times. At this point, his "little" girl is working as an intern while in college. It's interesting to me to see him go to areas in California and I can say, "I've been there!" Although I have to admit, I'm not very familiar with LA. But I can recognize Venice Beach and other well known places.
And that's it. I'm all out of talking with you about nothing! Have a great week and remember to wear your masks and avoid people who are not wearing a mask. Cheers!