Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Fun in the City for the Bumpkin

We got to the hotel yesterday weary but happy.  The room was lovely, if not unusual. The shower is glass but no door closes; it's a half door of glass. The other wall of glass faces the bed and you can see through to the floor to ceiling room windows. We are on the fifteenth floor and look directly into apartments.

So naturally, before I used the toilet, I closed the curtain on the bed side so the apartments can't see me there. I'm sitting there, ruminating, (where do you ruminate?), When I look up. And I see into an apartment across the way. It Dawn's on me that vision works both ways. I had inadvertantly left three inches of curtain open.

After securing the curtains, it was time for a shower since two days on a train had taken away my daisy freshness. I place the shampoo and conditioner so I know where they are -- why don't they make the labels big enough to read without reading glasses? I'm seeing the overly designed hand held shower nozzel, which looks like a shiny vertical microphone

 I turn on the water. A mountain waterfall drops out of the ceiling directly on to my head. Well, ok, I was going to wash my hair anyway. When it came time for the naughty bits, I push the button for the hand held. 

It's certainly nice to know that the cleaning crew here has a sense of humor. Before I can grab it, there is a huge stream of water directed at the door that isn't there. I figure I'll mop up when I'm done. Good thing these are thirsty towels because there was a half inch of water outside of the shower.

We can't do the architectural boat tour because it's all booked even though I have a paid for ticket. We did go to the Museum of Contemporary Art and we're delighted with"The Octopus Eats Itself" which is a reference to an octopus escaping danger. You will
 Have to wait for photos since using this tablet is hard for me. Also, I don't know how to get my photos from my phone camera to here.

We had such a fabulous breakfast that neither Maria nor I were interested in lunch. It's 4 pm and the sun is over the yardarm so I think I will explore the hotel while Maria naps. Ciao for now.

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